

Spain is famous for many things: Bull, olive trees, Picasso, flamenco Branch’s songs. Oh » Also, the garlic flavor Piaoman the country. There is no doubt that Spain’s most famous dishes is the “Para”, which is a pot of the Crocus Yiman, rice, shrimp, Gebeng, chicken and a spicy Spanish sausage and peas in the United States and meals. “Para” from Spain and Chek Cephalonia language in the “Jianguo”, usually with an iron Zhedao Cai boiling pans, eating the same time as the family banquet, a bit like the United States Louisiana Taste dishes.
Below Spain to take a look at the more delicious on the table:
Galician broth: a whole pot of potatoes, green cabbage, Baidou and meat stew or ham from the system, most of the Galician coast of Spain welcomed. Spain green soup: a Daguo potatoes, Baidou, vegetables and sausage stew very thick soup. Meat pies: from the fermentation of a bag of meat, spinach, sausage, squid, shrimp and vegetables make the stuffing, made of. Fruit pie: the most popular desserts, a butter cake, aromatic and pleasant. Spanish cold soup: vegetables, tomatoes, vinegar and a little pepper make a cold summer soup, and quilts as “liquid salad.” Sometimes soup is still above the addition of some films, such as cucumber, as a decoration.
Galician soup materials used: 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 onion, chopped, 4 cups water, 2 cups small white potatoes, garlic 2-3 flap, Paisui; two medium-large carrot, to Piqie Ding; salt 1 / 2 teaspoon; pepper 1 / 2 teaspoon; broken turnip or mustard Green Green 1 / 2 teaspoon; Baiyun beans 1 can (15 ounces), controlling water; Netherlands fresh chopped celery 1 / 4 cup
System of law: take the pot hot oil, Add to onions and garlic, fried 4 minutes, add water, potatoes, radish and dry materials. Fire in 20-25 minutes, occasionally Fandong. Add to Luobu Ding, Yundou and the Netherlands-qin, and then burned five minutes. Fire Commissioner of the rice for 10 minutes. To make soup even some thick, can be used spoon in the pot back wall of the crowded potatoes broken. Chuguo bowl loaded with crispy bread to eat.
Grilled squid salad materials: one pounds of fresh squid, cleaned; olive oil 1 / 2 cup; garlic 6-8 flap, Paisui; chopped fresh parsley 2-3 spoons; lemon juice (from 1 Lemon squeezed out), black pepper 1 / 2 teaspoon; salt 1 / 2 teaspoon; colored leaves or leaf lettuce 1, Wash; two tomatoes, chopped to nuclear; one red onion, cut long; 1 cucumber, sliced; Suanla sand Division 1 / 2 cup
System of law: the oil, garlic, parsley, lemon juice and seasonings Add to bowl Leveling Draw Frame. Add to squid again, and then placed in the refrigerator 2-3 hours. The lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber and Suanla sand Secretary Bancheng salad. Preheat oven, burning of carbon-wang, Grill Oiler. Squid will be removed from the pickle juice, on the Grill, bake 5-7 minutes each side, until the roast is Shutou. Kaohao remove the squid, placed on the salad can be consumed.


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