

Alcohol is a drug and you can become addicted to it. Alcohol changes the way your mind and your body work. Even one beer can slow your reactions and confuse your thinking. This means anything that requires concentration and coordination–like driving–is dangerous when you’ve had a drink.

Alcohol also changes the way you act. It can make you let go of the feelings that keep you from doing things you know are risky or dangerous. This can lead you to make bad decisions–like having unsafe sex or driving when you know you shouldn’t. You might think that it won’t happen to you, but everyone knows someone who has said that and then ended up hurt.

Alcohol can ruin your health. The more you drink, the more damage is done. You can get alcohol poisoning if you drink too much. As the level of alcohol in your blood rises, the chemicals in your body can cause vomiting or seizures, or you may pass out.

Cirrhosis of the liver is one of the most well-known effects of alcohol abuse. Cirrhosis stops the liver from being able to clean the toxins (poisons) out of your body. Alcohol can also cause stomach ulcers that lead to internal bleeding.

Television and radio make it seem easy to avoid alcohol, but this may not be the case for you. You may be facing pressure from your friends who drink, you may be stressed out, or you may think that drinking will make you popular. Whatever your reasons, remember that alcohol can harm your body. If you feel uncomfortable in a situation and need help saying no, get the support you need. Talk to your family doctor or another adult you trust.
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